(a) Private Angel Healing Session in Singapore
22 & 25 Oct 2010 (Fri & Mon)
by Appointment with
Victor Lu, experienced Energy Healer & founder of Angelic Light Transmission (ALT), a kind of Angel Light Healing System.
Are you ready to create positive changes and to bring LOVE, ABUNDANCE and GOOD HEALTH into your life?
This private Angel Healing session will:-
Invite the angels to act as your guide on a journey within.
Experience a love so pure that pain melts away and wounds are easily forgiven.
The personal experience of God’s love improves relationships with family, friends,co-workers, and clients through the deep healing and forgiveness that results.
Experiencing your soul and connection to God brings clarity about your soul purpose and your next steps.
Energy Exchange:
Complete Flower Essense Session: S$180 (Full 1hr) includes a flower essences remedy
Angel Card Reading– S$85 (30min )[EX03]
Angel Healing Session (ALT Healing only)
– S$120 (1hr) [EX04]
Angel Card Reading & Angel Therapy {2 in 1}
- Special promotion S$185(1.5hr) as Normal Rate is S$205
Term:- For every subsequent half an hour, it will be chargable at
To Schedule Your Session, call
+65-9848 9840 /
Email: jess787@gmail.comAll reservation based on
full payment.
All of our services above are not a replacement for western medical doctor/clinical psychotherapist. We ask that you continue have treatment with your doctor/psychologist. Our services will help to support your treatment session with the doctors/psychologist as we focus on changing lifestyles, personal behaviours, energy clearing and implement a healthy mind through one of our therapeutic/spiritual sessions.