Sunday, June 6, 2010

2-day Workshop "Angelic Light Transmission - Level 1" by Victor Lu, experienced Energy Therapist

Click here to view Eng Poster, Mdn Poster, Speaker's Background , Workshop Brochure, Related Articles (Eng) and Article (Mdn) , Sign Up
Enquiry / Registration: Jess (HP: +65-9848 9840 )

Angelic Light Transmission (in short – ALT) is both a spiritual growth and professional training course that teaches one how to connect with his/her own guardian angels, archangels, ascended masters realms through our simple and easy to learn steps. Participants also learn how to work with angel oracle cards and ALT unique angelic healing to assist self and others to grow on all levels of one’s being.

The Purpose
The main purpose of the ALT course is to assist each individual to connect with the angelic realms and bring blessings into his/her life through our unique processes and angels attunements.

It is also a professional certification course to assist those who like to work with the angelic realms in a down-to-earth and effective way as an ALT Angel Healer.

The Vision & Mission:
Our Vision and Mission is to see everyone learn how to connect with their own hearts, their higherself and guardian angels to heal their lives and start to live happy and meaningful lives.

We also would love to share our unique angelic healing and thus offering a professional angel healing course to train potential and gifted angelic healers to serve humanity.

The Difference- What makes our Angel class/training unique?
ALT Angel class teaches you how to work with the angels to shift old patterns in your life through invoking angelic presence. You’ll learn simple and effective steps to call in the angels to transcend your personal issues.

SOUL – Symbol of Unified Light
One of the differences is that in ALT, you’ll learn a series of Symbols that will assist in your personal healing and healing of others. SOUL is channeled and received by Victor Lu through his guardian angels and archangelic realms as new waves of dispensation from the angelic realms.
Through SOUL, not just your connection to your Higher self and Angel Guides is clearer but rather, together with the angels, it brings you back into the Core of your Heart, where true healing and living begins in the heart!

The Benefit - “Angels are the feeling tone of God” as explained by ancient text.
The first and foremost benefit of working with the angelic realms is the ability to re-collect accumulated emotional baggage and “stories” that are stored within you, be it in this life or distant past, to be acknowledged and transmuted through the help from the Angels and SOUL.

Through the help from the Angels, Archangels and SOUL, ALT course serves to assist you to clear your baggage in life and assist you to re-connect back into your heart for self-healing and allow your innate potential to be embraced into day-to-day living. The angels serve to assist you via the symbols to support you in this process

1 comment:

  1. Great! it is an enthusiastic workshop more and more people should be involved in it

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